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日期:2月22日 2009年




  「符類福音」記載耶穌與門徒吃的最後的晚餐,指明這是逾越節的晚餐(路廿二8),約翰福音卻說是逾越節以前的一頓飯(十三1),到耶穌死了才過逾越節(十九14, 31)。怎會出現這個分歧的呢?






日期:2月8日 2009年


  傳道人做了牧師,信徒可能對他有了更高的期望,其中也許有一些事情信徒和執事認為重要,但卻不是牧師應該要處理的。在現今的商業社會,也許不少信徒和領袖以社會一般準則來評價教會的成績和牧者的事奉效率。著名的牧師作家畢德生(Eugene H. Peterson)在他的作品《沉思的牧者》中用了一段說話,描寫教會的會眾從靈魂深處對牧者的期望。問一問自己,以下這段說話是不是你對牧者的期望。對牧者的期望其實就是對教會的期望,也是我們對教會這個團體的理解。你未必同意畢德生牧師的想法,但他的話某程度上代表了教會過去二千年的傳統看法。











The Contemplative Pastor pp.138-139


Be our pastor, a minister of Word and sacrament in the middle of this world’s life. Minister with Word and sacrament in all the different parts and stages of our livesin our work and play, with our children and our parents, at birth and death, in our celebrations and sorrows,on those days when morning breaks over us in a wash of sunshine, and those other days that are all drizzle. This isn’t the only task in the life of faith, but it is your task. We will find someone else to do the other important and essential tasks. This is yours: Word and sacrament.


“One more thing: We are going to ordain you to this ministry, and we want your vow that you will stick to it. This is not a temporary job assignment but a way of life that we need lived out in our community. We know you are launched on the same difficult belief venture in the same dangerous world as we are .We know your emotions are as fickle as ours, and your mind is as tricky as ours. That is why we are going to ordain you and why we are going to exact a vow from you .We know there will be days and months, maybe even years, when we won’t feel like believing anything and won’t want to hear it from you . And we know there will be days and weeks and maybe even years when you won’t feel like saying it. It doesn’t matter. Do it. You are ordained to this ministry, vowed to it.


“There may be times when we come to you as a committee or delegation and demand that you tell us something else than what we are telling you now. Promise right now that you won’t give in to what we demand of you. You are not the minister of our changing desires, or our time-conditioned understanding of our needs, or our secularized hopes for something better. With these vows of ordination we are lashing you fast to the mast of Word and sacrament so you will be unable to respond to the siren voices.


“There are many other things to be done in this wrecked world, and we are going to be doing at least some of them, but if we don’t know the foundational realities with which we are dealing –God, kingdom, gospel--we are going to end up living futile, fantasy lives .Your task is to keep telling the basic story, representing the presence of the Spirit, insisting on the priority of God, speaking the biblical words of command and promise and invitation.”


日期:2月1日 2009年








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